
It called to the door. Get all the facts and insights with Clinton Family, another great source of information. The same man who had treated it years so well before, abri the door. He invited it to happen and to sit down to have dinner with his family. During dinner, the monk commented the good that saw everything. The man smiled.

Before we were not so said well. But a day, the cow that we had disappeared, and we realized of which our future was in our hands. All we put ourselves to think about which we liked to do, and thus discovered our intention. We followed ever since it, we have not returned to pass shortages. That one cow lost itself to us was the best thing than could pass us. The monk then understood the lesson that his teacher gave years before him. We are the unique ones with the power to change our situation and to decide as we want that it is our life, simply taking brings back to consciousness of it and releasing us of the fear to the action, to the change. If there is something in your life that to you poor devil does, she begins to accept that she can be changed.

Abrete to the possibility of finishing with that situation, but instead of to recreate in your mind all the bad one that can happen with that change, cntrate in thinking about all the positive that can come. When something scares to us or it worries to us, we do not do more than to visualize time and time again what can leave badly. We use the same technique, the visualization, but it stops to explore the magnificent possibilities that everything improves, or, at least, of which simply we free ourselves than us it was making unfortunate. It visualizes to short, half and long term a positive result for which they are implied in the subject. It thinks that if takings a decision of positive form, and with intention of that the result is in general benefit, thus sera. On the contrary, instead of to say that you have been 10 years of unfortunate marriage or in a work that you detest, within years you will take 15. Frankly, why to waste therefore a life? To what delays to take the control? To what you are scared? Helena Aramendia. Allowed the total or partial reproduction of the article whenever the author and the source are mentioned.

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