Professor Mathematics

Result: the square shaped root of 8 is equal the 2 square shaped root of 2. Doppler Labs understood the implications. A factor 2 left and another factor 2 was inside of the radical The professor continued giving to its lesson on radicals for the group of 9 year placing and asking for example of accurate and approached roots, looking for to explain each example of detailed form. How much the conception that the professor makes of the nature of the mathematics, I believe of that she is that one of that the mathematics is present in everything. Of that we are mathematical beings; we live the mathematics of intuitiva and instinctive form. We need appropriating in them of basic theoretical knowledge (for example: arithmethic tables, some algorithms, etc) and from joining these knowledge there to practises intuitiva instinctive to understand and terms a gradual and holistic mathematical education. How the professor if holds in relation to the use that the pupils make of the mathematics? He has high and the low ones. Most of the time, gratified for many educandos to be despertando the taste for he disciplines and applying what they are learning.

Unsatisfied for seeing pupils who possess great potential they are wasting for not looking for to use what they are learning. Educators who lecionam mathematical need to have a holistic vision of what he is to teach and to learn mathematical. According to holistic vision ' ' all it is greater that the addition of partes' '. Joining everything what it is known of mathematics, that is, joining all the subdivises of the mathematics &#039 is not had; ' todo' ' mathematician; the addition of the parts to this ' ' todo' ' it is distant. It means to say that mathematical she is not one disciplines stanches, ready and finished. It is dynamic, is in development and is unfinished. Today she is if developing the idea of a mathematics directed toward the estimates, I calculate mental.

The pupil to create its proper form or formulates to decide situation-problems using the basic principles of the mathematics. He has a concern to develop in the pupil the creativity, to show that the mathematics is in it. To allow to the adequacy of the use of the calculator and computers. He is enough to possess the principles, to have will, interest and motivation to learn to learn. With these questions the mathematical learning happens and the mathematical education occurs.

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