Tag Archives: education

Russian Academy

The new rules prohibit the mill discharge industrial wastewater into the lake and use of chlorine in pulp bleaching. Thus, combine to produce more highly profitable could not bleached pulp, and was forced to stop work. Brad Pitt brings even more insight to the discussion. Due to the interruption of the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill is extremely acute social… (more…)

Rio Grande

Amongst them n 8,080 is distinguished it Organic Law of the Health (BRAZIL, 1990) and Law n 7,853 of 24 of October of 1989 (BRAZIL, 1989) that it makes use on the support the carrying people of deficiency, its social integration by means of the equity and universality in the right to the attendance, treatment and whitewashing. In accordance with… (more…)

Economic Education

Evaluation between Education and Work Evaluating the scene of the decade of 80 we perceive that from this period we have world-wide changes; new ideas and one another economic model and politician appear, neoliberalismo becomes hegemonic and comes the mundializao of the capital with a new project of economic development; the industries leave to be national to be changedded into… (more…)

Third World

It will be that if it can question this point of view? A thing is certain: the main characteristic of the countries of the Third World is the economic option of these countries for the capitalist development, but that it does not hinder them to present serious social problems: infantile mortality, illiteracy, precarious health of the population, etc. Alone for… (more…)

Hugh Dellar

In order to exert the due influence, it fulfills to it to exactly have perfect domain on itself, and the proper possessed heart of abundance of love stops with the pupils. Reflecting on the necessity of a bigger awareness of the real position of the educator and searching relationship better professor-pupil, professionals dedicate the research to it to collaborate with… (more…)

The Professor

To reflect the practical one is presented, then, with two complementary aspects: in lower court to unite practical theory and on the other hand, to reflect practical, adopting as the perspective one the inherent possibility of construction of a new to know. To teach, then, she is necessary, to congregate comment, reflection, research, orientation and dialgo, and in such a… (more…)

Personal Growth

If you are not happy with at least something in your life, then this training – for you. It is designed to increase your success in different spheres of life. System 'effect' – a unique computer program that has no analogues in Russia and foreign markets. This is your personal coach on the way to the necessary changes. With it… (more…)


The ONG s if present under the form of 3 distinct sufficient categories (Foundations, Cooperatives and Associations) each one of them with its peculiarities and denominations. The great majority of the ONG s, comes if keeping with deriving resources of programs of the public power. Valley to stand out that ONG exist s that do not depend on this type… (more…)

Philosophical Conscience

In turn, the theories critical-reprodutivistas demonstrate the kept out of society individual of different forms. The theory of the education system while symbolic violence detaches that the kept out of society individuals are the groups dominated in such a way in how much cultural the social bias for not possessing material effectiveness and resources symbolic, that is, for not possessing… (more…)

The Man

In the current custom everything is guided for the productivity, and pain, the pleasure, the hatred, the love, the fear, and all the other emotions, violent, do not favor the efficiency productive, but obstacles impose it. therefore the good bourgeois education tends to neutralize them. For this already not if valley of the coarse way of the external repression, or… (more…)