Monthly Archives: June 2015

Presidential Security

PRESIDENTIAL SECURITY E.U.A After attending and analyzing the film we can see some factors that had contributed for the success of the attempted against ones. Each in case that it must be analyzed of different form. Although the majority of the presidents to have some agents, notices that they did not have a plan of so efficient security, or perhaps… (more…)

Construction Debris

In recent years, with the development of the economy, the number of urban construction waste emissions grow rapidly, which brought a great burden to the city construction. Although the construction waste resource utilization has begun to take shape, it is far from being able to obtain a higher construction waste recovery rate, not to meet the urgent needs of the… (more…)

Web Euros

The refusal of banks, shoots the private loan business. According to recent studies, the volume of private loans has doubled and even tripled in recent years and this current crisis, mainly for micro-loans from 200 euros. These microloans are, currently, one of the only solutions to make ends meet for many Spanish families. Previously, individuals thrown hand of the credit… (more…)

Working Machine

Illuminance on the working surfaces of tables of machine tools should be at least 2000 lux illumination with fluorescent lamps, and 1,500 lux at incandescent lighting. Total lighting, where machines are installed should be 200 lux with fluorescent lighting, 150 lux at incandescent lamps. The size and layout of premises must ensure free access to all sites and devices to… (more…)

Global Web Network

Almost every day in developing a global network of many websites. This is due to the fact that the level of education in computer science rose to very high values. Launching the web site no longer requires Special expertise in web design. It is quite enough just to be able to handle a computer or laptop. The developer site greatly… (more…)