Monthly Archives: August 2013

Government Bolivia

The third candidate is an Aymara, Victor Hugo Cardenas, just as the previous was Vice-President of Bolivia and began to gain popularity before overflowing indigenism that became fashionable with the current regime. Cardenas was an indigenous Marxist line of Fausto Reynaga, furious author of the Indian revolution, a lush book in which proposed the annihilation of whites and mestizos. Cardenas… (more…)

System Interconnection

Acronym IP/TCP (Transport Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) or (Transport Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) represents the architectural structure of the communications between all the computers in the world. It is necessary to disaggregate their meanings that encompass several concepts to understand TCP/IP. On the one hand you can understand TCP/IP as a stack of protocols and standards and on… (more…)

Several Techniques

When you have a web site of a commercial nature should take into account the great importance which has to be well positioned in search engines. Be placed in the top 10 or 20 positions in the search engines involves receiving a multitude of daily visits. There is much competition, but can be be on the top of the search… (more…)