Monthly Archives: March 2015

PRTG Network Monitor – Network Optimization And Monitoring From A Single Source

Network management software ‘pull out all the stops’ Nuremberg, February 26, 2009 modern network monitoring software is a valuable strategic tool to collect data on the availability and bandwidth, and utilization and to evaluate. Often, such a solution is however used only to monitor the network, to warn in time for outages or shortages. PRTG network monitor by Paessler also… (more…)

WiFi Network

WPA2 passwords protect users from attacks who want to wirelessly browse, must arm themselves against possible attacks by unauthorized users without protection the network is open to the all. informed about the best ways to protect the Wi-Fi network from attacks. The business with the Internet is greater than more and more users benefit from the offerings of the… (more…)

Cultural Network

Munich Gallery art treatment, which linked the idea comes from Zerah Spindler, who describes himself as “Event Generatorin” in your myspace profile. In 2008, the city of Munich has celebrated its 850th birthday elaborately and with many events. Under the title “Munich 851” is more celebrated this year. Where is the networking of the Munich-based artists at the Center, which… (more…)

Common Errors

The user of its site also can have problem the same. A page with many options of links, products and navigation confuses the user. Generally the result is that internauta goes to leave its site without knowing what to make. Error 3 – To have Many Fields in the FormulrioNo if asks for to all the information for a person… (more…)

Social Engineering

Giving continuity, the first case that I will present is of as to cross the security of a company for the simple act of the lack of information and the curiosity. In as, to substimar an employee it can be the key for its fall. In case that 1Para to get access to a company, a consultant left, propositalmente, a… (more…)

Network Virtualization

ICT offer us great progress for our daily and professional life. Courses and masters to professional schools of new technologies offer, like Cisco ccnp, guarantee a secure future labor to offer all kind of solutions highly demanded nowadays. The master ccnp Cisco encompass a myriad of specialties to form us and make us a professional future of high quality. Enterprise… (more…)


Eastern Astrology – an ancient art, which makes it possible to reveal the identity of the person, his disposition, characteristics, health, intention to work and ability, compatibility with other people. East horoscope is based on a decade of solar-lunar cycle, it is in their own turn, is subdivided into five elements – water, wood, fire, earth, metal – and the… (more…)