Dragon Haul

There followed a dialogue, we must break through the Coast Guard: Take a course back to the dock. There is a little trick: do not swim across the strait to the pier and take a course on the most eastern part of the airport – oplyvite her and place her half of the city = the whole process long enough for success! Moored to the pier, there will splash The mission is passed here: from it you will get 10 units of heroin (drug). On the map announced updated label "C", and Z. We take the mission to "C". Mission number 26: SA-Boat-Age. Sit in a boat and head after the principal at the meeting. Your task: to ensure the integrity of the protected ship from attackers.

During the mission will receive 12 units of Ecstasy. Mission to "C" have stopped, take on Z. Mission number 27: Cash & Burn. Sit in the labeled car and drove to the building site there with a flamethrower to burn the system-raw. The problem is that your process will prevent the bad guys with guns in their hands. Warning: Use strategy and tactical details of the enemy – and the victory will be for you! The mission of "free".

Mission number 28: Dragon Haul Z. Need to track down and steal a car with a festive "things." Beyond that you will manage a "cloth dragon." The mission is simple, but for her give $ 1.000. On the map mark Z disappears and appears label "H" – are heading there.

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