
Structure and production of plywood Plywood (German Furnier, from the French. Fournir – supply, cast) – sheet building material, which usually consists of tightly bonded to the thickness of several thin layers of wood (veneer), and fiber direction in adjacent layers of veneer, usually perpendicular. For plywood used primarily birch veneer (birch plywood), to a lesser extent alder, beech, pine and other species. However, produced and specific types of plywood, designed for high resistance to bending and torsion. Industrial plywood – special plywood.

Ad Hoc is a veneer, which has acquired special properties as a result of any or processes and used in a specific area or several areas. Part of the special can be regarded as big-size plywood (1220h2440; 1525h3050), which in Europe and North America are widely used in construction. This definition fits and laminated plywood. These include plywood and bakelite ("Finnish", "water-resistant plywood), as well as other brands of plywood narrow field of application: Lined fiberglass, sheet metal, cork crumbs, armored, biological stability (), composite, electro, with a relief surface, etc. Plywood with symmetrical with respect to the middle layer (Midway) structure better resists warping. Such a structure of "sandwich" is typical for commercially available plywood, which is usually glued to an odd number of layers and, accordingly, is called three-layer, five-layer, seven-layer, etc. Sheet veneer plywood veneer layers are recruited from a single tree species. Veneered joinery products to the facings and decorative finishes are widely used in the manufacture of furniture, doors, walls and plywood pr.Osnovnymi quality parameters are: rock type format of the sheet thickness style splicing processing application sheets of plywood (size 1220 x 2440 mm) of different kinds, different in quality, designation and thickness, stored and sold as finished construction panel.

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