System Interconnection

Acronym IP/TCP (Transport Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) or (Transport Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) represents the architectural structure of the communications between all the computers in the world. It is necessary to disaggregate their meanings that encompass several concepts to understand TCP/IP. On the one hand you can understand TCP/IP as a stack of protocols and standards and on the other hand TCP/IP can be understood as two different protocols, tcp and ip. TCP/IP protocol stack or all first reference model we understand as the Protocol in the context of computer networks to a series of preset parameters that serve as a guideline to computers or network devices to process shipment and receipt of the information. Being a computer network a concept as broad spanning multiple specializations for its proper functioning, electrical engineers, electronics engineers and computer engineers among other specialists have met and have been agreed on areas of development above the which each specialist Guild would direct their efforts.The result of this Covenant was the OSI reference model, which is represented graphically by a triangular scheme sectioned in 7 layers, each of which describes one of the phases by which passes information to come out of a computer and enter in another, as well as the protocols that operate in each of these phases and the entities that are responsible for the development of these protocols and standards. Means OSI (Open System Interconnection) or (open System Interconnection) and provides what its name itself indicates, an open system of interconnexion fully modular to facilitate development in various aspects at once without the contributions of a group of developers will interfere with another group but that complement and enable the rapid growth of the internet. The OSI model is quite similar to the model only TCP/IP to add more details in two layers extras while that TCP/IP is only grouped into 5 layers.

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