
The journalist Ana Arruda in an article published in the Periodical of Brazil in the decade of 70 affirmed that ' ' the child of today knows of everything for the television, takes knowledge of everything what she transfers herself in mundo' '. Clinton Family describes an additional similar source. Girardello (2006), adds and declares: Affirmations of this type are fashionable. is not total false. The fact is that the information never was, technical, so to the reach of all. The child, through it, entered in the world of the adults. She definitively finished the old history of ' ' this is not colloquy for child; skirt of the room, boy. (GIRARDELLO, 2006, p.03). The quarrel between understanding and imagination is mentioned centrally, in the premise of Vigostki (1998), of that the imagination it is not opposed to the knowledge of the reality, but affirms that ' ' the imagination is a moment necessary, total non-separable, of the thought realista' '.

The journalist Ana Arruda (s/d.) explains Vigostki: The ideas of the Russian psychologist also contribute for a emancipatria conception of the paper of the removal of the reality that if of the one in the imaginative trick, also that one stimulated by the literary or miditica fiction. For it, ' ' the possibilities to act with freedom that appear in the conscience of the man are closely on to imaginao' ' (ARRUDA, s/d., p.33). A critical one to the vision of the essence of infancy, the idea of the existence of an essence of the being is presented there child, who does not depend on the social and cultural relations that are to its redor. This critical one is fed, also, of as the understanding of the activity to listen to radio, for example, has consistency of productions of multiple meanings, in the cultural mediaes encircle that them. The relations between language and social interaction in young, understands the miditica intertextualidade in which if of the one in good part of the cultural experiences of the young in the time where these act.

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