Congree Integrated Rule Set

Rule-based authoring of German for the technical communication Karlovy Vary January 20, 2011. “One of the first providers in authoring assistance Congree language technologies GmbH has the new rule set Regelbasiertes writing German for technical communication” integrated into their products. This has been developed by a working group specifically in the life of the German Professional Association for technical communication and information development (tekom). Aim of the rule set is to combine proven writing rules for the technical communication and to make a practical decision support and discussion of the standardization of source texts available. With the integration of this rule set in the Congree products, authors will receive a practical guide, on the basis of typing texts easier to understand and they better reused or translated can. Congree provides integrated solutions for the formulation of consistent texts under consideration defined style rules and a uniform wording. The two CrossAuthor linguistic products and the Congree controlled language authoring tool (CLAT of Congree) help authors create companywide consistent and high-quality language documents.

Congree CLAT checks the quality of texts, for example, with regard to compliance with grammar rules or company-specific writing guidelines and language conventions rule-based. crossAuthor linguistic as an integrated solution compares the source code to the one with the translation memory and the terminology system, on the other hand with the grammar stored in the Congree CLAT and style rules. “Through the integration of the rule set Regelbasiertes writing German for technical communication” receives the author while writing concrete instructions. This contributes to this, that he authored his documentation understandable and the content easier to reuse or to translate. The rule set includes about 100 writing and formulating policies that provide specific instructions for the preparation of documentation on text, sentence – and word level.

Thus, it provides a useful Supplement existing in the Congree products features in support of the author dar. The rule set was developed by a working group of tekom, consisting of well-known companies, service providers in the field of technical documentation, universities, as well as software vendors, and is available as a PDF or printed brochure available. Congree readers contact: Phone: + 49 7248 92545-0 about Congree: Congree language technologies GmbH was founded in September 2010 as a joint venture. Shareholders are across systems GmbH and the Institute of the society for the promotion of the applied information research, e. V., at the University of the Saarland (IAI). As a solution provider, Congree bundles the activities and competencies of the partners in the field author support. Congree brings together authoring memory, terminology and rule-based quality and style control (CLAT technology of the IAI) in integrated products. They characterized the support of all common outstanding Linguistics, Editors, as well as optional real-time use directly in the text creation. Congree delivers leading-edge technologies to formulate consistent content, taking into account defined style rules and a uniform wording. Congree paves the way for a controlled language and enable professional authors, to create faster and more cost-effective high-quality and rule-compliant, easily translatable text. press contacts: Congree language technologies GmbH Jennifer Wollensak In IM Stoeckmaedle 13-15 D-76307 Karlsbad phone: + 49 7248 92545-0 PR agency of good news! Nicole Korber of Koobrzeg road 36 GmbH 23617 Stockelsdorf phone: + 49 451 88199-12 fax: + 49 451 88199-29

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