Industrial Technical Engineers

Pressto, international chain leader in quality dry cleaners, announces the appointment of Silvia Diaz as chief of a main directorate of the standard. The new principle responsible for the tax exemption carried out from 2009 the position of general assistant director for Spain and Portugal, but its professional relation with Pressto began almost 13 years ago, in 1998. At that time the mark turned four years of existence after the inauguration of the first establishment in the Madrilenian district of Chamber. Throughout that time the trajectory of this professional has been developed in diverse departments of the company, most as director, from the Department of Operations, to the Department of Formation or the one of R+D, happening through the one of implantation of the quality system. In words of Silvia Diaz, new chief of a main directorate, the challenge to which now faces up is very motivating; to hold the leadership position that has obtained Pressto anywhere in the world requires to fortify our values differentiators, and to adapt us to the new exigencies of each market, creating new services that fulfill the social and environmental commitment of the company.

In order to obtain it, this professional, engineer industrial technique by the School Superior of the University of Salamanca, with specialty in the textile sector, it has not stopped becoming qualified since it initiated his labor race. Thus it has completed a Executive MBA by the Institute of Company Business School, besides participating in multiple courses distributed by the School of Industrial Technical Engineers of Madrid, always related to the enterprise management. The first challenge del that becomes Silvia position Diaz is to develop its plan of oriented expansion to the new models of business of Pressto, the Points of Collection, the Business Service and the new Service at home. These new models of businesses adapt to the new demands of the market and to the present economic situation since the client receives the same services whereas the franchise-holder does not need to realise a great investment to obtain the viability and sustainability. On the other hand the standard maintains with step it signs its process of international expansion. In the last dates the chain has announced the opening of new establishments in India, Malaysia and Colombia, as well as the concession of the masters-tax exemptions for Nigeria, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

Pressto or surpasses the 30 million users of its 547 establishments in the five continents, and contemplates the consolidation in the markets where or it is present, like Mexico, Colombia and Australia, with next openings. Pressto bases its philosophy on watch on the motto ” fast dry cleaners of quality, to competitive prices and treatment personalizado”. First interested in that the franchise-holders obtain that their businesses are profitable are the people in charge of the chain, reason why the power station owns an international structure of first level with which to take care of all the needs that can arise between their numerous network. Their commitment with the quality, rapidity, image of mark and treatment has turned customized it into the company leader of the sector, and besides its international presence, in Spain, the tax exemption is implanted in all the independent communities, with 215 operative units, of which 40 are own and the rest franchise-holders.

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