Tag Archives: stories


The weeks if had passed and nothing it had if decided, I did not have more news of kadu. It was always thus, when I received some linking or message pro my cellular one, pra ran to see, in the hope that would be it, but never was kadu, never! It was one morning of Wednesday, day 20 of February,… (more…)


The youngster made everything that could to assist Mr. Daniel, deLuciana father, for the accomplishment of the burial of D.Ana, what alone girl for the youngster made to increase carinhoda. Mr. Daniel already had perceived the one interest pelooutro, and knowing of the will of Luciana of living far from the island, he saw that he would noadiantaria to argue… (more…)

Marcial People

In the way of that enormous boat of more than 60 meters, aturdidos for the racket motor it the vapor and for the hard jolt them waters, Clementino and Marcial aimed the beautiful landscape that if disclosed in each curve of the Old Chico, at a time where the deforestation still was incipient. Clementino was a born leader, conversador, counting… (more…)