Terminology In Web-design

In relations web-designer – customer is often a misunderstanding of the large number of terms, without which the designer do, and the customer their first time to hear. I want to help you facilitate these relationships for more productive work. So the key terms in web-design: (Anonymous FTP) Anonymous FTP-access, allowing any visitor to the site to download files from a common directory (usually: / ftp / pub). Via anonymous FTP-access any site visitor can place files on your server. These actions can be performed either through a browser or via FTP-client. FTP-access can be controlled via the control panel. Alias (Alias) – a nickname.

Several aliases form a set of names by which user or device known to the system. Gwyneth Paltrow may help you with your research. Ban (Ban – a ban) – a slang expression that applies promo masters to designate an information blockade, which are Web sites for the use of illegal methods promotion. Banner, banner-graphic frame (picture), widely used in the web for advertising purposes. Most often banners are animated, ie contain varying image with advertising slogans, drawings, and other information. Banners come in various sizes (formats) – from the square to the 'stretched' to the width of the entire page. Speaking candidly technology investor told us the story. Many site owners place banners on their pages to visit these pages, bring them some income (such advertising is paid).

Blog (Blog, Web Log) – Network Event Log, the contents of which are regularly added entries, images or media files. A distinctive feature of the blog are promptly add materials short of significance. Moderators and editors responsible for the maintenance of blogs, called bloggers. Browser (web browser, the browser) – the viewer. The software provides graphical user interface for interactive data discovery, browsing and data networking. Examples are programs such as Netscape Navigator, Mozilla, Opera, ms Internet Explorer and others. Web site (Web site; Site) – a collection of web-pages, grouped according to their meaning and located on the same server. The content of the website depends on what task you put before him. If you care to have feedback from visitors, then you no longer suitable forum. The site also can accommodate chats and guest books. Web Design (Web Design) – a complex of works on Designing, construction and design of the website. Rational, comfortable and memorable web design is essential for the implementation of upeshnogo promoutinga. Webmaster (Webmaster) – System Administrator Web server. Sometimes referred to as the webmaster of designer, programmer or editor, serving a web site.

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