The Founding Grant

Important funding of a foundation in Germany the so-called Foundation grant is one of the most attractive and most popular promotions for start-ups in Germany. He will be paid by the employment agencies and is aimed at unemployed people who want to become self-employed. On the founding grant a legal claim that is anchored in the social security code is: anyone who meets certain requirements, has the right, closer to the dream of independence with the help of this promotion. The reference of the founding grant, however, is linked to several conditions: he aimed exclusively at people receiving unemployment benefit one, entitled still rest of ninety days on her unemployment benefits. To get the Foundation grant, an application must be made first. This must be presented completely filled in the respective employment agency in succession. Further documents are required: the applicant must submit a business plan and a certificate of capacity. This It is a positive assessment of the business project in the course of an expert opinion.

These can be obtained from a so-called expert authority: include some trade associations or chambers can give the expert opinion but also a founding consultant. Has it approved the business plan through a sustainability certificate, the company must be registered yet: self-employed get for this a business registration, freelancers a tax registration. These documents are submitted to the employment agency. The founding grant is paid out over a period of nine months amounting to last-related unemployment benefit. In addition to get a lump sum of 300 euros per month, which the founder should use to cover the cost of social security. There is also the possibility to extend the Foundation grant. For this, an application must be made however in turn.

The promotion is for six months to 300 euros. This extension at the Foundation grant, however, is a voluntary service pages employment agency; He may be refused at any time also then, if all application documents are complete and correct. The first phase of the founding grant, however, will be granted if all the formal requirements have been met. Who timely informed when his employment agency on procedures, has good chances to benefit from popular support on the road to independence.

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