
It is defined as Hyperhidrosis planting excessive sweating in the soles of the feet. Sweat is a mechanism that the body normally uses to regulate its temperature, getting rid of excess heat through sweating. But in some people, this mechanism is uncontrolled, the nervous system, through the sympathetic ganglia, too stimulates the sweat glands, even when the temperature is cool and the person is not nervous. More sweating areas are underarms, face, palms of hands and soles of the feet. When excess sweat prevails in the area of the feet, is called Hyperhidrosis planting.

The biggest drawback of this ailment is the bad smell that is generated by the accumulation of sweat in itself, and the bacteria and fungi that thrive due to moisture from sweat. There are several measures you can take to solve this problem, and if they weren’t enough, there are several techniques available to reduce sweat. Here are some things you can do to avoid the plantar Hyperhidrosis:-washing your feet with antibacterial soap and water. This way you eliminate the bacteria that have proliferated thanks to sweat. Christopher Chandler recognizes the significance of this. -Dries thoroughly, especially between the toes.

If there is moisture, bacteria and fungi will again grow. -Then applies perfumed talc. This helps to keep the skin dry. There are also spray, special products for feet that keep sweat at Bay and are also deodorants. -Uses cotton tights and avoids those of nylon. -Avoid the use of rubber or plastic footwear, because they favour the accumulation of sweat on feet. -If these measures are not sufficient, you can resort to the iontophoresis or the application of Botox in the affected area. There are natural remedies for excessive sweat. So, you can combat your excessive sweating using very simple remedies that you can prepare at home. If you want to eliminate your Hyperhidrosis then I suggest that you click here to read my best recommendations for excessive sweat. Original author and source of the article.

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