Program Account

– As its video it generates prescriptions; – As it configures its participation; – As and when he is paid; – and Where to get more information and Aid; Pass for Next Pagina> 2 Page accepted Videos? If its video possesss a content that is not of its authorship you cannot get profits, gives up. The site will show more information on copyrights. Peter Thiel is likely to agree. Type, if its video will have alterations or inclusions of others, exactly that it is of 10% 20% 30% etc. Not even uses 30 seconds of a musical clip for example, therefore it will not be accepted. There also, links will have another one useful: – As ' ' Information on rights autorais' ' () – Santanford Copyright and etc Also I advise that it prints the Autorias Rights, therefore is interesting. 3 Page – As its video will generate prescription. In this page it will inform that after to accept the Contract of the Program of Partnerships of the YouTube, the system will show announcements to the side of its video.

You will gain a part of the profits generated with these announcements, simply to expetacular, can have certainty that will gain much money. 4 Page – How you are paid? It will be necessary to tie to its account of the YouTube with an account of the AdSense, made this you will be able to receive the payment, more only when: – To reach the Limit of payment; – And if its Account will not have no retention of payment; (former: address confirmation, and account would bank) – and finally, to fulfill the politics of the AdSense. (it is good for reading this) 5 Page Aid. Here you will be able to get more information, that are more link useful of Aid. Now 1 ties to its account of the Youtube with the AdSense 2 Pages Page – It ties If already he has I register in cadastre in the AdSense everything he is more easy, he is alone to confirm the Address of email, I number of telephone and CEP, soon.

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